Inspired by Wish from Walt Disney Animation Studios, the Queen Amaya of Rosas fashion doll captures the magic and heart from the animated musical film! With posability, a regal and removable outfit and accessories, the Queen Amaya doll features the character's signature looks with true-to-movie details. Fans can create their own stories and memories in the kingdom of Rosas! Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
- Relive the fun movie moments with Disney's Wish Queen Amaya of Rosas fashion doll!
- Inspired by the animated characters, Queen Amaya wears her signature removable gown and crown.
- The posable doll includes storytelling accessories like 3 necklaces, a bracelet, and a hairbrush for endless styling fun!
- Highlighting the magic of wishing, Disney's Wish dolls make an inspiring gift for kids to play out their biggest dreams!
- Fans can collect their favorite movie characters to recreate scenes and make up their own storylines and adventures. Each sold separately, subject to availability.What's in the box
1 x Queen Amaya fashion doll wearing removable fashion and accessories,
3 x Necklaces
1 x Bracelet
1 x Hairbrush
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